Welcome to rbsXpress!
rbsXpress is a platform for the prediction and forward engineering of ribosome binding site (RBS) strength to control protein levels in procaryotes.

It is composed of the following two tools:

RBS Predictor

The RBS Predictor is the core model of rbsXpress and is based on a deep-learning model (SAPIENs) that was trained on approximately 250,000 experimentally characterized RBS sequences. It accepts 5’-UTR sequences as an input and predicts their relative translation rate (rTR) as main output. Furthermore, it can be used to generate input data for the RBS library tool RedLibs (see below). More details on the prediction model and the underlying data generation can be found in the following publication:
  • Höllerer, S., Papaxanthos, L., Gumpinger, A. C., Fischer, K., Beisel, C., Borgwardt, K., Benenson, Y., & Jeschek, M. (2020). Large-scale DNA-based phenotypic recording and deep learning enable highly accurate sequence-function mapping. Nature communications, 11(1), 3551 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17222-4)


RedLibs is a tool for the generation of RBS libraries. It uses RBS prediction data as input and computes degenerate sequences that encode several RBSs which uniformly span the accessible rTR range (i.e. from low to high RBS strength). The user defines the number of individual RBSs encoded by the degenerate sequence (i.e. the library size). The resulting “smart” RBS libraries can be simply cloned in bulk and subsequently used to systematically search for optimal expression levels, either for individual proteins or within multi-protein systems. More details on RedLibs as well as a use case in metabolic pathway optimization are described in the following publication:
  • Jeschek, M., Gerngross, D., & Panke, S. (2016). Rationally reduced libraries for combinatorial pathway optimization minimizing experimental effort. Nature communications, 7, 11163 (https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms11163)

Tips and tricks

  • For inexperienced users, it is highly recommended to consult the Glossary and different mouseovers to familiarize yourself with RBS engineering and the provided tools.
  • Why register? While all tools of rbsXpress can be accessed without an account, we recommend to sign up. It will only take one minute and allow you to conveniently store and access previous results.
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